Status: Final Design Underway, Amendments requested by WPRA
March 2023: The city of Toronto is proposing a redesign of Scarlett Road from north of the bridge at St. Clair Ave to Dundas St. In addition to widening the lanes, the city currently has in its design a proposed installation of a barrier at Gooch (east of the traffic lights at Dundas), to prevent westbound traffic on Dundas to turn left onto Gooch, and to prevent traffic exiting The Valley from making left turns from Gooch to go westbound on Dundas. A sub-committee is in the process of communicating with city staff to remove the proposed barrier, among other issues of concern.
Quick Links
The City of Toronto Project page includes a complete overview of the project along with contact information
WRPA 2023/03/06 REQUEST
Members of the WPRA Scarlett/Gooch Underpass Committee have requested amendments to the final design.
1. Project Assets/Resources
2. Intent + History
The City is looking to make transportation flow and safety improvements under the bridge. This project has been in the planning stages for many years.
There was a Public Meeting in 2017 to present the Initial Designs.
In 2019 there was a Public Meeting to provide an update, and to invite residents to speak with the Design Team.
3. Construction
If you are concerned about specific details of the final design, please get in touch with us at to coordinate community communications with City of Toronto staff.
Construction is expected to begin late 2023.